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Eight Local Athletes to Compete in 2017 UCI BMX World Championships July 25-29

Local Riders Train at Recently Refurbished Facility at E.P. “Tom” Sawyer State Park


Louisville, Ky. – July 25, 2017 – Eight riders from Derby City BMX will participate in the 2017 UCI BMX World Championships July 25-29 in Rock Hill, S. C. Derby City BMX oversees the local grassroots development program and competition for ages three through adult and seniors. The local riders will be part of the World Championship that includes more than 3,300 riders from the across the US and 40 countries.

The most recent time the BMX World Championships were held in the U.S. was in 2001 at Freedom Hall in Louisville.

The Derby City BMX riders are:

  • Ashley Lutz, 41-45, expert age group category
  • Max Eden, 19-27 expert and 26-30 cruiser age group categories
  • Stacey Eden, 19-27 expert and 21-25 cruiser age group categories
  • Carson Leet, 14 expert age group category
  • Siren Bammel, 8 expert age group category
  • Kaylyn Miller, 11 girls age group category
  • Zoe Dannenberg, 8 girls age group category
  • Aubrey Palmer, 9 girls age group category

The Derby City BMX riders train at E. P. “Tom” Sawyer State Park, which underwent a $1 million improvement project in 2016. The renovation was the most significant at the venerable track since it was built in the early 1980s, and included the construction of an eight-meter hill and starting gate, rebuild of the existing three-meter hill, lengthening of the first lane of the track and rebuild of the first and third turns. The project, which brings the facility up to World Championship and Olympic specifications, was spearheaded by the Louisville Sports Commission.