Mission and Overview



Create a legacy of economic and social vitality through sports.


To attract, host and create sporting events and activities that have a positive economic impact on Louisville, enhance the area’s image as a premier sports destination and promote active lifestyles to improve the quality of life for community members of all ages.


Founded in 1999, the Louisville Sports Commission (LSC) is a Louisville, Kentucky-based 501(c)(3) organization.

We are primarily a business-to-business, sales and service organization. Through its staff’s hard work, dedication and expertise, the LSC has developed a reputation of event success guaranteed in the Louisville community and with its primary clients – national and international governing bodies and other sports event rights holders. The LSC is a partnership-driven enterprise and works closely with Louisville Tourism, state and local government, local universities, facility operators, local businesses, community impact organizations and clients. Over the past 15 years, the LSC staff has expanded the organization’s business-to-consumer portfolio of owned and operated events and implemented additional community outreach initiatives.

For more information contact us at info@louisvillesports.org or call 502-587-7767.

Diversity Statement

Change lives through sports. Sports matter because they promote active lifestyles, encourage personal growth and development, and create a sense of community. Sports bring together people of different cultural backgrounds, ethnicity, experience and education and open up the possibility of “what can be.” The power of diversity is found in the collaboration and chemistry that comes when individuals respect and embrace each other’s differences. The LSC embraces the diversity of sports in our workplace, with our partners and in our community.